How to Groom your Pet at Home

Those past months we had to stay at home and some of the pet services, like grooming, we were so used to, were not available. So, I did some research and found a couple of videos which are very helpful if you need to groom your cat or dog at home.
Let start with cats. Long hair breeds need to be groomed, especially when it is shedding time or during a hot summer. This nice cat groomer lady shows and shares her tips how to do it.

Undercoat Comb with Short and Long Teeth: Here
Undercoat Brush: Here

In the next video another nice lady shows how to groom a Persian cat with a clipper.

A Cat Shaver like this will work great: Here
I actually found this very handy Kit for Grooming: Here Will work for both cats and dogs.
Ohh, and my purrsonal favorite Self-Grooming Brush: Here Just put on the corner and rub, rub, rub.

Sometimes cats are not so cooperative while grooming, especially when it is about clipping the nails.
In this case grooming bags are that what you need.

Check them out: Here and Here (comes in different sizes and colors)

And probably the most painful and unpleasant thing to do it the nail clipping. A professional vet explains what is the best way to do it.

Here you can look for a Clipper: Here
And some Styptic Powder. Here

And what about the dogs? The good news is they seem to be more cooperative.
This lovely girl Taty shares her personal tips for self-grooming your dog at home. Crash course for beginners.

You might find these Scissors handy: Here
Different kinds of Waterless Shampoos: Here
Grooming Wipes: Here
Tear Stain Remover Pads: Here
Grooming Table with Arm: Here
And this elevated pet bath might be very practical too if you want to give your dog a bath outside. Here

More tips on grooming from Taty.

Blow drying your puppy.

How to make a teddy bear face for your puppy.

And here are some funny pet haircuts to watch:

Thanks for reading.

Your Pawsome Export